Me Vs. Easter

My scales and I are not on speaking terms this morning and I blame Jesus and his Lindt bunny disciples.

I also blame Hot Cross buns. And Wine. And the late night burger and chips I ate. And the bacon and egg baguette I needed.  And creme eggs. And the cheese scones I baked.

OK so it’s pretty obvious who’s really to blame…


It all started so well, Friday morning Gym Buddy and I hit the gym at 08:00 for a 90 minute full body work out. I arrived home ravenous (see previous post about my extraordinary post workout hunger!) and that is when the halo started slipping. I think it finally came crashing down when I was polishing off a burger and chips at 01:00 AM after a boozy girls night out.

When I woke up on Easter Sunday I sealed the deal by eating an entire Lindt Gold Bunny for breakfast. Yep, you read that right.

Ironic really that this supposedly Holy holiday seems to encourage  gluttony these days – oh wait, maybe it’s just me?! (Tell me it’s not just me?!)

This morning I dragged my bloated body out of bed to the gym for this workout:

  • Burpees (30 seconds)
  • Deadlifts x 8 (30kg)
  • Shoulder Press x 8 (8kg Dumbell in each hand)
  • Sumo Squats x 8 (8kg Kettle Bells in each hand, held in front)
  • Bent Over Rows x 8 (20kg)
  • Press Ups x 10

Repeat 6 times. 

  • Plank on the Swiss Ball (rolling ball in and out)
  • Crunches on the Bosu x 15
  • Side Plank (30 secs each side)

Repeat 3 times.

It’s slow going, but I am back on track and hope to be able to report that my scales have forgiven me come the end of the week….

In the meantime, someone PLEASE ease my guilt a little by telling me about your overindulgence’s this Bank Holiday weekend!