Me Vs. Yarn Knots

A friend of mine has recently been kindly teaching me how to knit and crochet. I’m still very much a beginner. I’ve completed two scarfs and now begun to crochet a baby blanket which I am very much hoping will turn out to look as amazing as this.

Fortunately for a beginner, it is easier than it looks! All you need to do is learn one stitch, the single crochet and just repeat until you reach the desired size.

BUT, when you are using 3-4 different yarns at once, and you take you eyes of them for just a minute, you can end up in total tangle. Well, at least I did.

I have just spent TWO HOURS untangling a giant yarn knot! TWO WHOLE HOURS!!!!

Someone please, help a newbie out and give me some tips on how to prevent this happening to me again!