
Last night I failed quite spectacularly with my mission to only have a maximum of 3 drinks. I don’t know what to tell you, except I had a great night!

As a consequence, today is a battle. To make matters worse still, after a week of scraping meals together from the dregs at the back of the cupboard and the bottom drawer of the freezer (frozen peas and marmalade anyone?!) the food shopping could wait no longer. For those of you who don’t yet know my troubles with food shopping, you can feel my pain here.

Food shopping with a hangover is twice as dangerous.

Not only did it take me twice as long as usual and cost me twice as much, I somehow aged 30 years in an instant at the tills when I was suddenly unable to remember my pin number, much to the annoyance of the people queuing behind me. Sorry angry lady with screaming toddler!

There is however an upside to shopping with a hangover. When I peered into the cupboard looking for a rewarding snack, I found a pack of chocolate hobnobs looking back at me!

Since it is raining outside and The Man is at work, I’m now going to curl up with a cup of tea and work on my crochet project for the rest of the afternoon. And I’m not going to allow myself to feel even the tiniest bit guilty at all.


Is anyone else suffering from a hangover today?